Monday 19 March 2012

Good values for future India

India is a tourist’s haven. When people visit India, they are treated very well. Local people think “OK westerners are our guests and we must treat them well”. But when Westernised Indians live a luxurious life in India, they become victims of hatred of local semi-literate poor population. Deep seated resentment arises with growing anger and hostility side by side. These modern Indians have lavish life-styles which the local people cannot match with. When there is direct encounter of the local population with different kind of modern people, there is cultural conflict and a clash which needs mediators. Vandalism, bashing, robbery, kidnappings, gang-rape, and other crimes have become extremely common.The crimes are a refection of the people--rural India hitting back on westernized Indians.
We cannot just build big infrastructures and become world class citizens and a part of the post-modern world. We must have correct values appropriate to the times we live in.Along with rise of varied urban classes new values should be taught to all students of all schools/colleges, because these students will in future eliminate class differences and arrest rising crime rates.Social divide must be bridged by teaching children of today tolerance and peaceful living.
What is uneven development doing to the cities? They have incapacitated bottled up resentment that for they cannot be part of the glitter of today's ultra-modern world;this makes the men turn into savages and vent the inherent hostility. Carrying guns and riding motor cycles, they want to live out westernised life-style and play a role in the modern world. They have an insatiable desire to be part of modern India and they feel that it is beyond their immediate reach. Clashing cultures result in hostile encounters of parallel culture groups. Robbery and theft at gunpoint is a very frequent crime.Bashing party goers at night outside five-star hotels, vandalising their cars are their ways of expressing hatred. This is an expression of their helplessness to acquire modern social status symbols. Social distance will disappear with effective education. These local people can become part of the modern growth story when they educate themselves. They need not look at the educated with hatred and vengeance.
There is the rise of the urban neo cowboys. Emergence of neo rich who want to be part of the modern India an cannot fit in. The emergence of new dons of "gonda raj" in the sub-urban India has given us a lesson on future India. There is a sharp rise in the number of crimes against women at the national capital region of Delhi. This can be traced to existence of parallel set of rich classes of suburban Delhi. When it cannot deal with rising crime rates the administration tries to give excuses--women should dress more decently, women should return from work early(“safe” time is prescribed); it is required that women will be going to work with escorts or body guards. etc, etc. These are not the solutions. Medieval mindsets have got to go.Soon local panchayat will give”khap justice” to the crimes and honor killings will rise and then a "neo-medieval" society will arise. Clashes will continuously arise and police will have to intervene. There will be increased policing in future India.Law enforcement systems will be at the top of the state’s expenditure list in the years to come.Unless we inculcate the new generation with correct values sets and allow them to participate in India's growth story,we may have to allocate a large amount of our national budget on law enforcement system. The cost of that would be much much more than the cost of good educational institutions.

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