Tuesday 5 June 2012

To preserve India

India is rich in bio-diversity. Many specific forests like the western Ghats have rare species of birds and wood land creatures which cannot be found in such variety anywhere around the world.24% of land here has 7% of recorded species on Earth.The CHIPCO movement has helped in the reforestation of the Himalya’s foothills, because it was people's movement. Herbs become extinct as forests vanish into pastures and fields.
Land use must be planned to preserve forests.40% of the land is used for agriculture. And it is increasing as demand for food increases.In less land more foods can be grown.
There are serious threats to preserving the environment in India. Strict environmental laws should be enacted, so that industries treat the wastes and not dump it in the rivers.Rivers must not get polluted with human wastes. Recycling of sewage can be done; urban areas must not grow so big that we cannot maintain sanitation facilities well. Satellite towns can grow but not into huge metros in which waste management plants cannot be made easily.  
In the name of religion polluting the river should be avoided. Awareness and removal of superstitious beliefs are important. Government says that by the year 2020, river Ganges will be pure and free of pollution.Government or legislation cannot help  in keeping our holy rivers clean.Each individual must be aware of the damage that we do, we must realise the consequences of our acts (cremating bodies along side river to attain salvation is not a correct belief). Government can only help to some extent, people must themselves know what is correct and what is not.If we really respect and love our holy river, we must each try to keep it clean.
Non-polluting energy like solar power or wind power for generation should replace coal and natural gas, if we want our India to remain clean in the future.  Energy efficient Green Economy as proposed by Brazil can be brought about in India by controlled growth and awareness of the our citizens.

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