Friday 13 July 2012

Can Environment be protected

There is renewed effort to take environmental protection to international organisations, when they are not dealt with by the government itself. The declaration of the Western Ghats as a rich biodiversity zone did not receive any attention, till now. The UNESCO has declared it as a World Heritage Site; and now there is suddenly great awareness that we have bio-diversity hot spots within India. When environments’ protection is needed, government ignores because it is assumed that it is adverse to development. But that is not so, we can protect our bio-diversity zones and keep environment clean while developing industries which would not harm the environment. We have to think about people's well being  and growth of livelihoods, and not just preservation of nature.
The Western Ghats comprises of an area of 15000 square Kilometers, extending over six states, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It has very rare species, 24% of Western Ghats has world’s 7% of species found all over the world. 325 threatened species are found here, and 60 Important Bird Areas are found here. Environment Impact Assessment Report shows that there is dumping of industrial chemicals; and it is polluting the areas. There are efforts to hide away vested interests, mining for iron ore in Western Ghats is an issue not taken up. Those who own mines do not want environmentalists’ attention and they want to strip the land of its wealth. They want to make sure that their prospects are not affected and that their land does not come under the “protected area” Forests have already been changed by coffee plantations, tea plantations and rubber plantations. Now or later, the forest produce will be commodities which people will make use of. And whether we like it or not forests will be turned into pasture lands by herdsmen. It is inevitable. All efforts to preserve nature are erased by man’s need to preserve himself and his interests. But ultimately, man’s survival depends on a biologically diverse planet. Forests attract clouds; clouds attract rain. If forests disappear, our lands will become desserts .Whether we want desertification of our forests sooner is up to us now. Effective environment laws and their implementation can preserve India for the future.

1 comment:

  1. Effective environment laws and their implementation can preserve India.Laws are always great ,the problem is with implementation.corruption being the big DEMON.
