Sunday 20 July 2014

Children---future of India

What makes the future? Today's children are the future. The schools and institution which we create for them today will determine the quality of their future. The values we teach our are the most important investment which we can make today. They will learn skills to survive for the future from schools and colleges which we make today. If children hold banners and protest, they symbolically tell us that their future is in jeopardy. Why should India's future be bleak? We have such a large educated population, we must think on this.
 Can India support the future population? The question is "do we have the resources for the future?" Yes, we have. We should know how to manage it properly and bring about industrialization. India's soil is fertile. We have good weather year round. Multi-crop harvests are successful. Industrialization has not taken place fully, so farming methods are still pre-industrial or manual. First production must improve, better seeds must be giving and better timing should be taught. Teaching the uneducated farmer is very important. Transportation of food products must improve; storage(cold storage) and  packing must improve. Only then the future population can be provided for or supported.
Coming of industrialization means reduction of jobs for man (machines replace man) With coming of better technology, we have better fabrics and other consumer products. But it has also reduced jobs. The federal government or "welfare state" would have to give its people social security by giving free food schemes. Minimum housing must also be provided too. All this is big responsibility on the government. Only if we elect the right persons, we can guarantee a better future. So it is very important whom we elect (choose) today for a better tomorrow. If children pick up banners, they are telling us to make good choices,; children cannot vote but they are aware of the future.

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