Sunday 12 October 2014

Problems of future India

Poverty is going to be the biggest problem in India's future. Not just open poverty(people living in the streets) but poor health facilities, inadequate educational organizations, and rising crime rates. Indian society will be divided by cultural identities like language, caste, region and so on.There is fear that communal organizations would rise based on such divided loyalties; communal groups may turn into political groups. Crime against women would increase. As traditional society modernizes, women move into public spaces seeking education and employment. And old-fashioned mindsets cannot tolerate rising power of the female population and hence gender crimes would increase greatly. Government is not efficient enough to combat crime.Government cannot give social security to its people as there are too many citizens and there are too many needs. Governance is itself very poor and cannot take actions effectively. Politicians selfishly take bribes and harm the country's governance.
There are many signs that future of India would be bright. Indians are highly innovative people who find solutions easily; Indian are also highly creative and come up with new ideas. Indians positive towards differences and are highly adaptable. Diversity in the population makes Indians tolerate all kinds of people. Most of all, Indians are very intelligent people. Most Indians are highly entrepreneurial; they take up new trades and make it better. They create business strategies in logical manner. They can go anywhere and start a thriving business organization and prosper.Since the majority of the Indian population is young, they would become future businessmen or engineers or doctors.
State of the world economy is relevant. Now growth will start from here, in India.It is going to be Asia centered growth. Trade among the developing countries is improving. For growth the developing world has to collaborate and  organize themselves. The developed world is busy playing power politics(politics of war) And the developing world is trying to industrialize speedily. Raw materials are abundant in India. In India, there are forests and fields, where are the minerals? They are hidden in mines in the forests. In future India there will be loss of flora and fauna as deforestation will take place on large scale. Loss of bio-diversity is inevitable. There will be battle is between people and forests.People will win.Rural India would move to urban areas.
In a world with opportunities to grow, Indians will do well. Young India is also highly educated and they can become future doctors or engineers or workers and they would contribute to the betterment of India.

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