Saturday 3 September 2011

Where will the farmer go?

Farming is not profitable and cannot support the average farmers family. Many farmers move to urban places to earn a decent wage, We are industrializing and urbanizing as people are moving to make a living in a town; yields from the land cannot support the standard of living that the average Indian wants, drinking water, decent shelter, school nearby, some medical help and so he moves to a town. He seeks some employment and way to survive. We can give him economic security, some welfare benefits till he gets started. Once he is settled, he will improve his standard of living   and he will be able to pay taxes to the government. If the place he has moved to a city which gives him a small job but charges high transport cost (bus tickets) and he is not able to earn enough, he would move to a small hut, may be a slum. The conditions here are bad; the cost of relocating him would be higher than the cost of lowering transport charges (bus tickets). Life in the city must give him  adequate facilities to sustain himself.
Government has to make long term plans to provide for the new urban Indian or else the rehabilitating cost would be higher. Thus infrastructures has to be made to accommodate the common Indian. The nomadic life in the city can make a an ex-farmer’s life miserable, and he may turn to a life of crime, in which case he would cost the government much more than cost of providing him a simple job. Instead of providing for free food schemes for him, we can give a job, making him self-reliant and an honest citizen.
The people of small towns shift to big cities. People leave small towns when the minerals mined are exhausted completely. Ghost towns are abandoned towns which had once provided jobs for many in making of the mining industry, they leave for towns and cities looking for employment. They can work in factories if employed. We need a large data base to allocate employment to crores of people without work. We have Unique Identity Cards to identify the people.
Their rights as citizen of India is important; for he can demand his right to food and a means of livelihood. Only after he gets a job he can ask for his minimum wages, he can ask for his worker rights.If he is denied any rights and not have a livelihood he will revolt to demand his rights and the situation cannot be managed by the government then. So before that awareness comes, government must make a way for the farmer/worker to exist--a means of livelihood must be provided for.
Minimum housing has to be made. Mass housing should be at an affordable cost. By making urban infrastructure fast, we can provide for this new kind of urban dweller. We can plan new townships or expand existing ones, provided water resources are near. Flatter terrain can be chosen than a mountainous terrain.Accessibility to cities by road can be a decisive factor in urban planning. Satellite towns can be made.Land use can be mapped accurately. With proper land records that government has, it can plan very well.

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