Wednesday 2 May 2012

Amending marriage by Marriage Bill of 2012

Marriage Bill of 2012 is an amendment to the previous bill on divorce, was discussed in Parliament today. It seeks to define "irretrievable"state-- when a marriage cannot be saved and will end in a divorce.Although divorce is held to be a deterrent and all efforts are made to save marriage, the divorce by "mutual consent" will get a very quick divorce.Six months of a cooling period could have given a second chance for the marriage to be saved.But now this will not be given as per this new Bill.The Indian wives never ask for a divorce and are traditional in outlook, and are trying to preserve the sanctity of the wedlock. But the changing lifestyles, and unsteady temperament of  men forces increased divorce rates.This Bill states if a husband had to live away from his wife(in the place where he works)for 3 years or more, this will give him a reason for a divorce.Previously made bill, Marriage Amendment Bill of 2010,  comprises of entirely divorce laws.People here are not yet prepared for divorces as sanctions in Indian society do not allow such latitudes.Indian laws and policies also were made to preserve marriage and not make easy dissolution possible.Indian culture preserves the social bond of marriage as sacred and keeps the social fabric from tearing; it is the social structure which keeps the cultural relationships to continue and become stronger over time. We need to preserve our culture and protect the strong bonds of the institution of marriage, for it is the basis of a family and all other social values follow from this.We cannot allow the court to define "irretrievable" states.This Bill was discussed and legislating on the bill has been postponed.Because once divorce is made easy(liberalized) then only alimony and custody are the technicalities  left and the strong bond of Indian marriage cannot be kept sacred any more.The relationship cannot be restored; what the law may dictate will prevail.We want to maintain this traditional  relationship;it is important to maintain this strong social institution which is the base of all other social institutions we have in Indian society.The basic structure of family, lineage,society and our culture will be lost forever by introducing easy divorce which this Bill would bring.We are like atoms attached with strong bonds;if the bonds are weakened, the atoms would scatter and the hold of culture would be gone,forever.

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