Sunday 6 May 2012

Buddha Purnima

Lord Buddha was born 480 BC at 'Lumbini' at Nepal . Today is 'Buddha Purnima' or the birthday of Lord Buddha,'Sakya' king who became the “Enlightened one” and taught humanity the cause for suffering. He was a prince who was always protected and was kept within the royal palace;he wanted to go out and he did.One day he had seen an old and wrinkled man, a sick and invalid man and a dead man.He saw suffering and wanted to know the cause of it. So he bid farewell to hid kingdom, his palace, his home leaving behind his queen and his son, to search for the truth. He donned the robes of an acetic and tried to get knowledge form gurus, but later wanted to discover the truth himself by meditating with deep concentration. On the full moon day in the month of 'Vaisaka', he had attained enlightenment.He had discovered the Eight fold path:consisting of wisdom(right vision&right intention),ethics(right speech&right action),mental discipline(right effort &concentration) and liberation('moksha' from  freedom from rebirth)He believed in the force of love and destruction of desire.His last words were,”impermanent are all created things;strive on with awareness”. In today's world of suffering, we sometimes ask ourselves when will all this suffering end? When will we have freedom from suffering?We have learned to meditate, when will we get salvation. In this unequal world and we are not able to see equality. We can understand the teachings of 'ahimsa' or non-violence but we see violence all around us. May be we need another Buddha to teach us how to live and how to visualize this mystic world.

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