Saturday, 17 August 2013

The poor and poverty

Seventy five percent of the rural people are very poor in India. And 50% of urban population is classified as poor. Why? none of government's efforts have reached them. There is some that digital delivery of services will help us reach them. Even when there are bumper crops, 25% of the population is left hungry. 40% of children are malnourished.  Figures are depressing. Have we made any progress? In 1973, 60% of the population was poverty stricken. Not only is the percentage of poor increased, their numbers has increased (population now is several times than that in 1973)  The amount of grains available to feed the masses has increased several times too. The idea of poverty line has to be revised. Now we cannot really correlate consumption patterns with poverty line. And there is also fluctuating rate of consumption. Statistics cannot show reality. There is less poverty now than ever before. But our view of it has changed. Poverty cannot be measured by amount of Rupees spent by the "poor person".It is measured by the facility available to him-- does he have basic amenities, does he have any medical benefits, does he have roof over his head, does he have pension schemes and so on. By these standards, the poor are still very poor. Perhaps if we focus on how to provide these people with basic needs, we can erase poverty. That will take place in some distant future. At present the Food Security Bill will be delivering food to 67% of the population. There is also fear that this would impoverish the government. Can we really feed the billions?    

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