Monday, 12 August 2013

Youth Day

The Inter-national Youth day was celebrated today. This means few speeches in schools and colleges. But the Indian youth must realize that they have big responsibilities in running the Indian nation. We are at present moulding a just democracy, But the youth( who are the rulers and citizens of the future) must know how to run a true democracy. We are making policies and rules. But the future generation will know what the consequences of these policies are. They may have to change them. There are also big issues like unemployment which they have to face. There is reason to fear that educated unemployment will increase several fold in the coming years. Many will have to leave India to get jobs. When they leave they do not cease to be Indians, but part of India that lives outside India. They will continue to affect life in India. With economic times being so tough, how will the youth of today raise family and prepare for old age? Can the youth make India's future bright? Can they save themselves from the exigencies of the harsh economic conditions? These are questions for the future when industrialization and computerization would have reduced the number of jobs significantly. 

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