Wednesday 23 March 2016

How do rural Indians survive

Rural India migrates to urban India because to live by cultivation is too difficult.Unemployment is rampant. And Rural employment scheme cannot provide sufficient money for them to survive. Climate varies too much,making agriculture precarious. Land holdings are too small and they do not give enough returns to gain the input costs,fertilizer,water,pesticide,seeds etc.So the farmer has to migrate to provide food for his family.But he has no skills to work in urban India. So he starts as a laborer.. ...he may drive a rickshaw or drive a man cart and send some money to his home in village.
There are other options.Like for instance,he can buy things at cheap price and sell those goods to make little money.
Small tea stalls which cater to the need of the labor class can give some small profits. But big hotels are too risky 9 out of 10 hotels fail, as there is too much competition.If he learn to be a tailor or a plumber or a carpenter or an electrician.There is better chance of surviving in urban India.
Rural Employment scheme(MGREGA) gives money for the unemployed in rural areas. But it could instead give them skills to survive in urban India

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