Wednesday 7 November 2012

Happy with results

When another democracy selects its leader, we compare and we try to see how we can improve our democracy. Debates were an essential part of presidential elections in the States(US) and we do not have that. We were watching closely, how the campaign strategy was unfolding. It was very much like ours. The people were closely watching the contestants; to choose the right person,they had only one who would address correctly the issues facing the nation. It was a close contest. Second term for the President will be as difficult a the first. India is concerned with the relations we have with that democracy. And we have good relations. India is concerned about our citizens who have migrated to the US; they should be safe and should succeed.When living in a foreign country, our citizens who face several exigencies, but they are willing to take all risks.Indians love to migrate to the US seeking higher education and employment opportunities. They had become citizens there and had voted for the democratic President. The President recognizes contributions of the minority communities and encourages them. However engrossed we are with our national problems, we are happy to know that another democracy is doing well.

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