Thursday 29 December 2011

Language in the Evolution of a people

The people of Goa state celebrated their Golden Anniversary--50years of freedom, ten days ago. They got their freedom from foreign rule in December1961 after 450 years of being a colony of Portugal. The aristocrats of Goa identified themselves with the foreign regime and did not want freedom struggle to succeed.The people held a referendum and decided on joining the Indian union. At freedom, the poor folks (farmers) got rights over the land that they farmed under colonial overlords.The peasants united under one commonality and that was their language--"Konkani".During their long history and contacts with various cultures, they could not unite as they they were unlettered, poor and isolated. Although, they spoke different dialects and they kept contact with each other. Their saint had devised a common script for Konkani and the people had begun writing their own literature.The written script helped the Goans to unite. Their children began going to school as they had valued education.Even with coming of Hindi and English, people kept their culture alive by speaking Konkani.They are united  by speaking a common language and thus shared a common culture.Democracy has given the people good governance-- to be able to legislate on what is good for all the people.Goan women have greater rights over money and property as laws were made for the benefit of them.Today they are very successful Indians.They are aware of their environmental rights and keep Goa green. They earn through the industries of tourism and mining. Fish is their staple diet. Along with fishing, they have invested in modernised farming too.Goans are an integral part of India.A famous talented artist hails from Goa. His name is Mario Miranda; in newspapers and magazines he had depicted with great accuracy what the Indian people were like;although stereo typed, his characters came out alive in his drawings(caricatures).

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