Sunday 25 December 2011

Mood of the people

Civil society activist catches the mood of the country and is trying hard to change the structure of the government is indeed a phenomena worth examining. The nature of the people is reflected on the government it makes. Even if changes in the structure of the government are made, ultimately, the people’s nature will influence and alter it to back as it was. Those in the government bodies have a casual attitude towards work and do not care for the national goals. This nature of the people will not change whatever civil society does. Computerization in office procedure, tracking of files in the public domain, office automation, e-procurement, e-tendering are major alterations that will bring transparency in the activities of the government personnel. Monitoring of the elected people cannot be brought under any single head. And Prime Minister is supreme and his activities cannot be monitored or checked by anyone. Powers that constitution has given cannot be altered by anyone in the street, there are parliamentary procedures. Those who are working in government offices can be monitored by their superiors only and everyone does not have a say in it. A major lapse in government offices is that there is no stress on the primary goal and working together as a team is missing. This hampers the working of government and more improvements must be made in educating the people in the organization—training to work together. 
The mood of the country is that there is great disillusionment caused by economic conditions. The people are affected by--price rise of essential food items, the fall of the Indian currency, rising cost of living, rise of fuel cost and so on The Reserve Bank of India has increased the rate of interest 13 times in the last one year in trying to tame the runaway inflation. And it is not working The Indian Rupee has fallen in international market, that means we will be buying oil at higher cost, and there will be price rise again. In this mood, people will listen to any protest and try to revolt against anything; any civil right revolt can catch this depressed state of mind of the people and use it to catapult itself to the limelight. How long will this last?

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