Thursday 15 December 2011

Winning a War for the Weak

Bangladesh is celebrating 40 years of freedom today. India had witnessed how the people of the neighbouring country were suffering; it had reasoned for their cause and had fought war for them and had won their freedom. Today, we are celebrating with them their victory day. Only by celebrating anniversaries,we re-live and rededicate ourselves to our fundamental beliefs and values. The causes we had fought for reassures us, that we would always protect the weak people where ever they are.
The people of then East Pakistan were controlled by then West Pakistan; their nationalist movement was suppressed, riots and strikes were dealt with cruelly;and because of the atrocities, many people had moved to India as refugees. We had rescued the suffering weak people;when reasoning with the perpetrators had became impossible, we had declared War. Within two weeks, under the able leadership of Chief General of Army Sam Manekshaw, we had won the War and had made Bangladesh a free country.
In this part of South East Asia, we are very good neighbours. We seek to help those who are suffering, and we take bold courageous steps. We do not go to War to benefit money (or oil) but we want people to be free from suffering.
This is the make-up of the Indian mind-noble caring and daring.We will protect those who come to us seeking help(seeking "sharn")

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