Wednesday 21 December 2011

What is wrong with us?

The reason that the educated elites do not see the problems of the nation or its people is because we Indians have always used the poor people as workers/helpers as servants, as drivers, as sweepers, as labourers, as maids, as watchman or as lesser people. The first thing a child learns as it goes to school is that the servant will carry the school bag. So the education that we give starts with how to use the lesser people. So we can never really become “educated elite” for we only see our own problems and never the problems of "others" who are people too. When we cannot even see "others", we cannot envision our nation’s problems. The nation is made of mostly poor people. Thus we have put a blind fold on ourselves. May it be the cashew nut barons of Karnataka or timber merchants of Tamil Nadu, or zamindars of Uttar Pradesh or mine owners of Bihar, we know how to use the workers to our best advantage. When the farmers commit suicide, or the workers/labourers suffer in the cold without shelter, we justify it and call it fate or even give a cultural name, ”karma” The truth is that we have always distinguished ourselves as superiors and can visualise only the mundane problems like the  availability of labour, or fuss over the cost of fuel, as we are the aristocracy. We do not think about minimum wages or loss of livelihoods;and we do not know of the cost of travel to work for the poor people.We do not identify ourselves with the real people of India nor do we have any sympathy for them.
 Even the police personnel see themselves as  the superior people and dominate over the simple citizens.Our attitudes pose giant repercussions in the conduct of the ruling class. They need the votes of the workers, and if they do not please the workers, how will they get re-elected. So they pretend to legislate, they act as if they are concerned about the well being of the general population. And they use the media to exaggerate progress, and they showcase industrialisation or alleviation of poverty. With good resources, good engineers, and best educators, we are not able to build our nation.This is India  of today, those who can survive this will make a better India of the future. By then loss of lives would be many many.

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