Friday 30 December 2011

Road-blocks for Landmark bill

Yesterday night the "Rajya Sabha" ended its Winter session without passing the anti-corruption Bill(LokPal Bill)From the proceedings of the Parliament, it is clear that the ruling elite do not want to pass this Bill.They do not want anyone to check how they come up with money during their career as politicians. The coming elections also is kept in mind. Voting on the bill was not done, and it is postponed till the next session.
Always, when in session we can see the live telecasts of the proceedings of the Parliament;they show the people the real merits/demerits of ruling elite. The lack of consensus on issues  and their way of jamming each others' speeches do not indicate maturity amongst the elected people.When the elected elite is responsible for the well-being of the so many whom they represent, they should behave more responsibly.Knocking down each others statements is not parliamentary behaviour.
All play the mean mean "blame" game. They blame the other party of becoming the road block in the making of the Bill. Are we electing the right persons? This is the question the citizens would ask themselves when they witness the behaviour of the ruling elite.

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