Tuesday 6 December 2011

We have free minds for none can bind us

The most important rights that we Indians have is the freedom of keeping minds open and the freedom of expression.Expression is like breathing for us;and we yearn to breathe free..Any curtailment of this basic freedom would be a big set back for our democracy.The Indian personality comprises of speaking out and expressing to our fellow men what we feel about each and every aspect of our lives. It is through this gift of gab that we Indians continue to communicate our culture.We have advanced in our communication techniques—Newspaper, Television, Internet, Telephone, Mobile telephone etc. Now we cannot go back and be without these. Imposition of restrictions on freedom of speech or expression would imprison us to the dark ages when there was rigid bondage prescribed by an obsolete civilization. Our lives have changed due to the adoption of modern technology.Any alteration or step backwards would not be possible now. Any attempt to suppress expression would be unacceptable oppression.  So no political might is strong enough to affect our freedom in any way. When there is freedom, we also have constraint to exercise that freedom responsibly.So we auto correct ourselves.Therefore the other side of the coin of freedom is responsibility.Our ‘greedom’ for more and more power should not prison our freedom.Indians are free birds always soaring high,scaling new heights and exploring new horizons.No one can bind freedom lovers.

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