Sunday 30 June 2013

Compassion Day

Human civilisation is based on fraternity and feelings of compassion for fellow beings. But that is often forgotten in India. Three days ago Compassion Day was celebrated by one of our dailies. On this day the modernised Indians brought their cooks, drivers, servants, guards to banks to open accounts, to clinics for medical check-ups, to government offices,to obtain social security cards. Others got insurance policies, and others made fixed deposits for their helpers. There was an open show of compassion and kindness as never before seen. Generally, we show our upper class status distinctly and we "mind the gap" or "keep the social distance" from the lower classes. This is because of our feudal past. And as per our cultural backgrounds we want to be seen as superior. Generally we want to maintain our higher status; we observe the hierarchy of humans at all times.The Compassion Day was different, it was very human. It was generally thought that 'egalitarianism' is a thought process which we have not invented yet. Due to our deeds of previous births, we have lower/higher classes(castes). That is wrong thinking, we are all born/created equal, nobody is inferior or superior. We had always thought of ourselves to be superior that others, it is urban living that has brought us into close contact with each other and perceive the social world differently. We wish that all those reading this blog also show compassion to our helpers every day..then future of India would be bright.

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