Sunday 9 June 2013

What will happen next?

The reason for poverty is our acceptance of inequality. In Europe revolutions(like the French Revolution) took place because people did not accept inequality. The rich have all resources and the poor had none, this was not acceptable for the people.So they wanted better government. They asked for it and they got it. But in India, we have accepted inequality. Our religion tells us that some have more wealth and others have less, and that is because of 'Karma' or merit our past lives. This has made us to tolerate inequality. But as India modernises, we will witness that workers are treated badly by their masters. This will not be tolerated forever. And a similar revolution will take place.We have to reinvent the concept of nation and government all over again. When will this take place or how will this take place is not predictable. As economy tightens its grip, we are going closer and closer to such a revolution of the masses.Livelihoods are being snatched away when land is acquired and handed to the industrialists.Industrialists also harm the workers in factories by  ignoring labour laws, even the right to form a labour union is taken away from them.Marginal farmers cannot compete with rich farmers and they become unskilled labourers. Educated unemployment is on the rise. The quality of education in India is being scrutinised by the people themselves(why poor students do not get good education). These are some of the rising inequalities which need to be addressed to immediately. With the media like TV and Internet, people can see audio-visually how the world has changed and how they have been kept out of it. A social revolution will take place soon in India.    

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