Tuesday 14 May 2013

Role of Education in Indian Democracy

Why is healthy growth of an economy important? Because only when there is economic well being, there can be an increase in activity for progress---education. Number of educated persons in a country is the true measure of prosperity. But when all people vote, the uneducated persons vote for the wrong candidates and thus elect wrong leaders who are hurdles for progress. To break free of the cycle of wrong persons electing wrong leaders is very difficult. In India we have large number of educated persons but they do not stand for election to be elected. So the election process has to be altered to make better leaders.Without big expenditures, candidates must be able to be elected.We have an alert media which will help us in creating good leaders for the future.
We have to re-invent democracy. Democracy can survive only if high percentage of voting population is educated. Since the green revolution has taken place, the number of persons needed for agriculture has become very less. So there is more time for spending on education. But massive poverty makes it difficult to arise from incompetent democracy (fewer educated voters) The Indian people here have very little needs, some food, few clothes and a good job. If these basic needs are satisfied, they go for higher education. Education is highly valued in India. So,in the future, India will have highest percentage of educated population. And these educated people will elect effective governments.

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