Tuesday 7 May 2013

How to avert a disaster

Rapid urbanisation leads to depletion of natural resources like ground water. In rural areas also ground water has been depleted. Teaching better way to extract ground water(using huge pumps) to farmers has exhausted the water resources. The water tables are lower than ever before. We must have very heavy rainy seasons (monsoons) for consecutive years to replenish our water resources. Otherwise we may have to face droughts. Already part of Maharashtra have drought situation. Conserving our forests will benefit us as rainclouds are attracted by forests. And forests conserve water. The economic benefit of preserving our bio-diversity lies in this basic truth. Our water tables have to be replenished to prevent drought. A drought situation will drain our national wealth. We must provide drinking water by tank fulls and food by truck loads to the affected areas and settle a migrant population. If we preserve our forests and ecosystems we can avert droughts.Instead of acquiring agricultural lands or encouraging industrial encroachment or urban expansion, we must make sure forest lands are extended.Only then we can avert desertification. We must encourage better water management(recycling) in urban areas. Conservation agriculture, integrated water shed management can save our water resources.We must encourage farmers to produce using lesser water. Other wise we may be pushed further down in economic development.Disasters can be evaded for we must have a future India with fertile land and not desert India.We must thus expand our forest areas and preserve our bio-diversity to survive the water crisis.

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