Thursday 16 May 2013

What will happen in jobless Future

Majority does not rule here. There are few people who are rich and the majority are poor and powerless. Rich ones pay for a candidates to win elections. And the object of the rich is to get richer. So they make sure that the political class (which they had helped to create) makes beneficial policies for them. So the poor become poorer as their meagre resources are denied to them by policies like 'land acqusition'.The working poor of India are meek, timid and obedient--they listen, they work and they have no idea of their rights. Only if they learn to protest effectively, they have a possibility of obtaining their rights. But they are too poor to do that. They spend each day working very hard, so that they can buy their daily bread(or roti,native bread).They have no time to protest.
While industrialising, we are having teething problems. Industrialisation means use of fewer persons to do more work( using machines). But we are also in the edge of the era where there is greater computerisation which further reduces the need for workers. There is another trend in India, and that is children of farmers do not want to farm. They want to migrate to urban areas and want a more modern lifestyle. Rural India has nothing which would interest the youth. All trends indicate that people are looking for jobs and there are no employment opportunities available. What would future be like? Thousands of poor protesters will be demanding jobs from a political class which listen to the rich only. There will be problems in controlling these future crowds.

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