Wednesday 1 May 2013

Workers work very hard

In India, workers have to work very hard to make a living. Although there are efforts taken by government to "regularise" work, vast numbers of people work as "casual workers" Employment conditions are very poor for construction workers and other labourers. Activities like road making is also very hard work,toiling in the India's hot climate. As agricultural workers without jobs in the rural sector, leave, they become labourers. There is migration from rural to urban India.Number of agriculturalists reduced from 127 million in 2000-2001, to 118 million in 2010-2011. Unskilled and without any education, they are easy prey for contractors when they move to urban India.For basic necessity of food and clothing, they work hard the whole days and nights. Their incapacity to feed themselves is exploited by corporates to make them into"cheap labour force" The laws for better working conditions or better wages are ineffective when so so many come seeking work as labourers. The Indian economy uses the cheap labour effectively. When the labourers fear losing their jobs, they do not complaint and do not demand higher wages. They adjust themselves to hard conditions.This is exactly what the corporates want, labourers willing to work tolerating hard conditions. How ever we see it, we really cannot celebrate workers day. How to tolerate exploitation? What ideology could justify this exploitation? Cheap labour is a resource which everyone wants to grab.Unless Labour organisations work effectively, workers would suffer further.

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